5 Reasons to Wait to Buy Your Next Wide Format Printer

By: Jeff Vetter
November 10, 2015

Technology is a wonderful thing, and businesses rely on various pieces of equipment to complete daily tasks. To remain reliable and efficient, which keeps your business competitive in the marketplace, technology requires upgrades. However, there is a time and a place to upgrade equipment like a wide format printer, and there are times when it is better to wait. Here are five reasons to consider holding off on investing in a new device.

1. Cost: New vs. Old

Most companies keep a close eye on the books, so it should come as no surprise that most business owners consider cost first when it comes to technology upgrades. As you consider upgrading your wide format printer, it's important to weigh the cost of a brand new printer against the cost of maintaining and using your current wide format printer.

For example, a new wide format printer might have the latest bells and whistles and offer new features, but does that particular device make your operations more efficient? Does it offer faster print speeds? If your current wide format printer does not hold back production of print projects, and is affordable to maintain, there's no need to replace it just yet.

2. New Technology: Does it Advance your Business?


The next question to ask yourself is, "will this new wide format printer advance the business?" If you're going to invest in a new printer, it should offer one or more of the following:

3. Operational Needs: Have Things Changed?

If nothing has changed in the print department for your business, there is likely no need to waste the time or money investing in a new wide format printer. Look carefully at the print requirements of your business environment at the moment. If the primary factors behind your printing activities haven't changed, there's no real need to upgrade. By all means, explore the options out there to be sure, but don't pull the trigger just to get a shiny, new device in the office.

4. Keep an Eye on Your Capital

There are a number of internal factors within the business you should keep in mind as well when contemplating a new wide format printer. For starters, the cost of a wide format printer runs easily into the thousands. Is the company facing the prospect of another major capital investment in the near-term? If so, it would be wise to hold off purchasing a new wide format printer (especially given the first three reasons covered) so the business has the capital available to make other critical investments.

5. Technology Changes Constantly!

Last but not least, print technology is changing on a regular basis. New products and features are developed regularly, and if there isn't anything new available at the moment that would benefit your business, there's no reason to spend the money right now when new features could be released within months of your purchase. Wait for features and equipment to come out that benefit your business! If you aren't sure what new technology is coming, or what you should wait for, or even if you should make the move now - let us help. Talk to our wide format printing expert:

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